
Primary Infant Reflexes- Part 2

By Jennifer Perigord, OT November 20, 2020

The following information on primary reflexes is based on Dr. Svetlana Masgutova’s extensive research and experience working with children and babies over the past 30 years.  For more information on Dr. Masgutova’s MNRI method visit 

This last week I am going to highlight spinal pereze and spinal gallant primary reflexes.  The following instructions are simplified versions of primary reflex testing and variations of improper responses can vary.  

These demonstrations are also for testing only not for intervention.  

 The pictures of the very cute baby provided with each reflex is also my baby😊. 

Spinal Gallant

Stimulation: Quickly and lightly stroke each side of the back (shoulder to hip)

Proper Response:  Infant body will curve in direction on each side

Improper Response: No response, partial response, or cries with response

Function: Active for first 9 months to help develop coordination and strength for sides of body 

Improper Development Negative Effects: spinal/postural distortions (torticollis, scoliosis) cranial distortions (plagiocephaly, brachiocephaly) and leads to challenges with attention, bedwetting/incontinence, and auditory processing

Spinal Pereze

***Unfortunately I do not have a newborn picture of this reflex because both of my children did not have a proper response as infants due to fast deliveries and chronic reflux as infants.

Stimulation: Quickly and lightly stroke infant spine (tailbone to neck)

Proper Response:  Infant pelvis will lift up (rotate back) creating a lower curve in the spine and back will arch (extend) with shoulders, legs, and head lifted

Improper Response: No response or wrong response when infant pelvis rotates forward (no lower spine curve), back rounds (flexes), or head, shoulders, and legs do not lift

Function: Active for first 12 months acts as detoxification pump for body, develops spinal curves and head control for posture, and allows mobility in pelvis for sitting, crawling, and walking

Improper Development Negative Effects: spinal/postural distortions (kyphosis/lordosis) cranial distortions (plagiocephaly, brachiocephaly), delayed motor milestones (sitting, crawling, walking) and leads to challenges with emotional regulation, sensory processing, and attention

Here is a list of other primary reflexes and main functions.  

If you would like more information regarding these primary reflexes, please contact me for a consultation 

  • Trunk Extension: posture for sitting and standing (affects toe walking)
  • STNR: posture for crawling, coordination of upper and lower body
  • Leg Cross Flexion-Extension: cortical development, coordination for walking/running, and bike
  • Moro: movement (vestibular)processing, emotional regulation, and breathing coordination (affects overactive fight or flight response)
  • Fear Paralysis:  startle response (affects anxiety and phobias)
  • Bauer Crawling: coordination for crawling, two-sided coordination and hemisphere development
  • Automatic Gait: coordination for walking and running
  • Bonding: trust and self-confidence  
  • Landau: antigravity extension strength and release endorphins/happy hormones
  • Flying and Landing: coordination for jumping 
  • TLR: antigravity muscle tone 
  • Babinski: foot motor control/alignment and standing balance (affects pronated feet)
  • Foot Tendon Guard:  foot motor control/alignment and standing balance (affects toe walking)
  • Hands Pulling: coordination and strength for upper body and head control 
  • Hands Supporting: coordination and strength for upper body and protection reactions 

Jennifer Perigord is a pediatric occupational therapist that specializes in infant development. She has 17 years of pediatric experience and has specialized training with premature and medically fragile infants in neonatal intensive care.  Her passion is in primary reflex development in the first year of life. She has learned through both her professional and personal experience raising her own children that early intervention starts at birth!

Jennifer is available for consultations and private assessments. 

Email her at for more information or to ask a specific question. 

Follow her page on Facebook for more tips and information!

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